

About this category:

In the category of the buildingreports we want to present the Genesis of the "Kingdom of Madunia". Many images with comments and sometimes even with videos show you the progress in time - sometimes they are telling a short story too.

It would give us greate pleasure if we get comments and helpful suggestions to our buildingreports in our forum in the buildingreport-category. Also you can discuss the reports with our other visitors.

Have fun !

Buildingreport Number 25

Sunday, 2005-11-20 The madunish xmas-years are approaching...

Images 1 to 2:

Out of good madunish hardwood the weather-proofed market stalls was build and from the power-runts enlighted. So later no mountebanks has to stand in the darkness. 

In the background at image 2 you can see a protype of our own madunish colours - we will publish more Information in the next days. The colour "Hotels" was used for painting the market stalls.

Images 3 to 5:

At the latest now everbody should be clear: The madunish Xmas-years are approaching - will the  christmas market be timely finished ?

Images 6 to 8:

By the tv-channels under public law now an affair would arise

(note: that is an icronical comment, because in germany some weeks ago there was some affairs about surreptitious advertising at the tv-channels under public law, you have to know: surreptitious advertising is forbidden by law in germany).

Images 9 to 10:

"Essential the market stalls and booths are ready - that is one half" thought the first mountebank whom already the whole day was very cold...

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